WSOB Players

Jamie Root - Invited Player, 23
Possibly one of the youngest World Series of Blackjack players, Jamie is no stranger to the harsh world of gambling. If you are familar with Jamies play you may notice it has changed recently. Jamie has changed up his play in hopes of recouping a recent near six figure loss. Lets hope that Jamies plan works for him.

Erica Schoenberg - Invited Player,
Erica come from a gambling family, so much so that her parents met at the race track. Erica has earned a degree in theatre and she has even spent time as a model. Erica has two big dogs and loves all animals, but don't mistake her love of animals and theater for weakness when it comes to Blackjack. Erica is one tough cookie, She recently complete a tournament where she played for 36 hours straight.

Ken Smith - Invited Player, 41
This will be Ken's third trip to the World Series of Blackjack and he hopes the 3rd time is a charm. Ken earned his Bachelor's in Computers from the University of Southern Mississippi and then founded a Software Engineering business. Now retired Ken spends his days with his wife of 13 years Jan in their hometown of Hattiesburg, MS.

Dave Stann - Invited Player, 26
Dave is a card player that has a acting habit. Dave has been heard saying "Gambling supports my acting habit". All kidding aside Dave Stan is one serious Blackjcak player. Not only has Dave graduated from Kent University, he is a member of MENSA and has authored a book called 'Hollywood Blackjack'. If you think Dave looks familiar then you've probably watched Celebrity Blackjack in which Dave was the dealer.

Henry Tran - Invited Player, 38
No stranger to Blackjack tournaments Henry hopes to add The World Series of Blackjack title to his collection which includes the 2003 Masters of Blackjack from the Niagra Falls Casino (Canada). Henry currently works as a computer chip designer for Cadence Design System where he applies his Bsc in Applied Science from the University of Ottawa. You will find Ngieu Tang cheering on his son at this years tournament.